The Reports API can be used to request and download the reports available on the Reports page in the web app as well as the templates available on the Uploads page.

Files from the Reports API that contain user editable fields can be submitted as a feed using the Listings Management API.

The Reports API supersedes the Export API and will eventually replace it fully.

All timestamps are UTC.


The x-api-key header is required on all authenticated API calls. To obtain your key, please visit the integrations page of your Informed Repricer account.


The reporting workflow begins by creating a report request. This will provide a report request ID which you can use to make a request for the status of the requested report. When the report is complete the status response will include a download link that you can use to request the report file.

You can also request a list of all report requests to re-download a previously generated report or to audit reporting activity on your account, including reports requested through the web app.